The medical craziness has slowed down, a bit. #chronicpain

Luckily, my medical chaos has kind of evened out lately.

The episodes with my heart have gone way down, thank goodness. I am starting to think that may have been more medication related. I had just started a new medication, not too long before all of the crazy stuff started happening.

Still having some mild pains, irregular periods… but now I’m having hot flashes and crazy night sweats. I am convinced I am perimenopausal.

Ankylosing Spondilitis
Regarding my hands, the pain itself is better, but I am still continuing to lose function. Still dropping things, still having a hard time just using them in general holding on to things. I bought the hand strengthener , but the minimum weight is 10 pounds. Some days, that is ridiculously hard for me to squeeze. So that hand strengthener isn’t as awesome as I was hoping, and I barely use it. It really bums me out.

I am using Voltaren a lot more, for my hands, ankles and knees. Getting more stabbing, sporadic pains and spasms/twitches. Last week was filled with charlie horse type cramps in my right side/back. Absolutely excruciating! Other times, I am use the magnesium lotion to help my restless legs at night. I’m not sleeping well at all, these days. Even if I take a sleep aid (zzzquill or advil pm), I wake up several times in the middle of the night. I never feel rested and always dragging the next day.

Ehlers Danlos ~ Hypermobility
I am grateful not to have had too many problems with dislocating. The worst is still, at night, when I’m changing sides… I hear and feel a ridiculous amount of pops and crackles. Bones shifting. Ugh, annoying.

Staying Busy
I try to stay busy with the Blackstone Grill, the smoker and my gardening as my mental therapy. It helps me keep some sort of sanity.

Later today, I am going to smoke some meatballs and andouille sausage. I can’t wait! I’m already drooling thinking about it.

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